The state funeral for Japan ex-PM Shinzo Abe is expected to cost ¥1.66 billion

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
Nippon Budokan

The state funeral for former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is expected to cost ¥1.66 billion, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said Tuesday.

The bulk of the money, some ¥1.41 billion, will be spent on security and hospitality.

The government has already decided to spend ¥249.4 million from its reserve fund on the funeral, which is slated to be held at the Nippon Budokan arena in Tokyo on Sept. 27.

Speaking at a press conference, Matsuno said police security will cost about ¥800 million: ¥500 million in travel expenses to dispatch prefectural police officers and ¥300 million to rent vehicles and equipment.

Reception-related expenses for visiting dignitaries and other guests are expected to total about ¥600 million: ¥500 million for transport and vehicles, and ¥100 million to cover travel expenses for overseas Japanese diplomats temporarily returning to Japan for the event. In addition, about ¥10 million will be spent to hire vehicles for the Self-Defense Forces’ honor guard.

“More than 190 delegates from overseas will attend, of which about 50 are expected to be high-level, as well as other delegations that will require special treatment,” Matsuno said.

Touching on the advanced public disclosure of security and other expenses, he said, “We’ll continue to strive to gain the understanding of the public through careful explanations.”

Matsuno also announced that former Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga will deliver a eulogy as a representative of Abe’s friends, along with speeches by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and others.

According to a summary overview of the funeral, up to 6,000 people are expected to attend, including current and former lawmakers, foreign dignitaries and representatives of local governments.