
Membership Terms
Conditions of The Japan News

Article 1.  Definitions

1. “The Website” refers to The Japan News website.

2. “Yomiuri” ( or “we”, “us” or “our”) refers to The Yomiuri Shimbun, which operates the Website.

3. “Terms” refers to the Membership Terms & Conditions of The Japan News website, including the appendix at the end.

4. “Prospective User” refers to a person who has applied to Yomiuri for use of the services by obtaining a user ID and password for personal authentication in accordance with our prescribed application method.

5. “Member” refers to a person who has applied for the service and has been accepted by us.

6. Depends on context, “you” or “your” refers to a Prospective User or Member.

7. The “Agreement” refers to the contract between Yomiuri and the Member for the use of the Services. The service contract shall be concluded for each plan type as set forth in Article 5 and the attached table at the end of this document.

8. The “Services” refer to article browsing and other services, as well as identity authentication and payment services, provided by Yomiuri to Members through the Website for a fee or free of charge.

9. “Newspaper” refers to The Japan News published by Yomiuri.

10. “Subscription Fee” refers to the remuneration paid by the Member to use the Services provided by Yomiuri for a fee among the Services.

11. “External Sites” refers to websites operated by external third parties that are not Yomiuri.

12. “External Services” refers to services provided by advertisers and affiliated services provided by Yomiuri’s business partners via links to External Sites posted on the Website.

13. “External Service Provider” refers to a third party such as an advertiser or partner that provides External Services.

Article 2.  Application and Amendment of the Terms

1. The Terms shall apply to all Members and Prospective Users. If you apply to use the Services, you will be agreeing to abide by all of the Terms.

2. We may change the Terms in any of the following cases. We will notify you in advance by appropriate means, such as displaying the contents of the changes and the date they go into effect on the Website screen. In this case, the conditions of use shall be governed by the revised Terms.

(1) The changes in the Terms are in the general interests of the Members.

(2) The changes in the Terms are not contrary to the purpose and are reasonable in light of the necessity of the changes, the reasonableness of the contents after the changes, and other circumstances pertaining to the changes.

3. Such changes shall come into force on the date made known to you by display on the screen of the Website or by a similar method.

4. If there is any conflict between these Terms and the Website’s Privacy Policy, Copyright Policy and Linking Policy, these Terms shall prevail.

Article 3.  Application for the Services

1. We will conduct the necessary screening for applications for the Agreement by Prospective Users.

2. As a result of the screening, we may not accept the application of a Prospective User if any of the following are found to apply, or are likely to apply, to the Prospective User:

(1) If there is a violation of the Terms

(2) If you have violated these Terms in the past, or if you have been suspended from using services provided by Yomiuri or its group companies due to violations of these Terms, or if a past application for use was refused.

(3) If the Prospective User does not actually exist, or when a third party other than the Prospective User applies without the consent of the user, including impersonation by a third party.

(4) If you have made multiple applications.

(5) If you cannot be reached through the contact information provided by you.

(6) If there is a false statement, error, or omission in the information declared on the application.

(7) If you are found to be a member of an antisocial force or a related party.

(8) In any other cases where we reasonably determine that it is inappropriate to accept the application.

Article 4.  Membership

1. The Agreement shall come into effect when we accept the application of a Prospective User applicant.

2. The contents of the Services that you can use shall be the services — such as accessing articles, identity authentication, payment services and others — in accordance with the plan types listed in the attached table at the end of this document.

3. You shall bear the costs of communication charges, computers, cell phones, and other communication devices required to use the Website.

4. In principle, the Services are available only to individuals. If a company, association, foundation, or other corporation or organization wishes to use the Services, please contact The Japan News Customer Service Desk (0120-431-159) or delivery@yomiuri.com.

5. If a Member is a minor, the Member shall obtain the prior consent of a legal representative such as a person with parental authority in order to enter into this Agreement.

6. If there are any changes to the membership information of the user ID, such as address, telephone number, newspaper subscription status, credit card number or expiration date, etc., you must register that personal data on the Website in the manner specified by Yomiuri.

Article 5.  Plan Types

1. The Services, which we offer the Members including accessing articles, vary depending on the plan type, as shown in the attached table at the end of these Terms.

2. The Domestic Premium Plan is available only to members who subscribe to the newspaper.

3. Regardless of the plan type, we may apply a discounted rate or provide free usage rights for a limited period to specific or unspecified Prospective Users or Members for the purpose of trial use, etc.

Article 6.  Paid Services

1. Among the plan types specified in the preceding article, Overseas Premium Plan (monthly plan, annual plan, and 3-year plan) is a paid service. The Subscription Fees shall be as shown in the attached table at the end of these Terms.

2. The Subscription Fee shall start to accrue when the formation of the Agreement as set forth in Article 4-1. We shall invoice you for the Subscription Fee on the date of the Agreement’s formation.

3. The Subscription Fee can be paid through the credit card selected by the Member from among the various credit cards designated by us.

4. Regardless of the reason, if the issuer of the credit card selected by the Member in the preceding paragraph does not render payment of the Subscription Fee to us by one month after the billing date, you shall pay the Subscription Fee in a manner separately designated by us, and we may thereafter bill the Member directly for the Subscription Fee.

5. The Overseas Premium Plan shall be automatically renewed with the same contract contents as before, unless you ask to stop automatic renewing before the expiration of the contract period. Payment of Subscription Fees shall be also made in the same manner as before, unless the member requests otherwise.

6. We will not issue receipts for payment.

Article 7.  Management of ID and Password

1. You shall be responsible for the strict management and use of your own user IDs and passwords for personal authentication and shall make an effort to prevent unauthorized use.

2. You shall not allow any third party other than yourself to use your user ID and password, or lend, transfer, sell, or otherwise make any transaction. However, Members who have subscribed to the Domestic Premium Plan may allow relatives who are living with them to use their ID and password.

3. If your user ID and password are used, we shall assume that you, who are responsible for managing your user ID and password, engaged in the relevant act.

4. We shall not be liable for any damages incurred by you as a result of your user ID and password being used or changed by a third party, regardless of whether the damages resulted from your intentional conduct or negligence. In addition, you shall repay all Subscription Fees and other debts to us incurred based on your user ID and password. However, this shall not apply in the event of unauthorized use of the user ID and password due to our intentional actions or gross negligence.

5. If your user ID and password are stolen, lost, leaked, or otherwise in danger of being used by a third party, you shall immediately contact us and follow our instructions.

Article 8.  Cancellation by Member

1. If you wish to stop subscribing, you can notify us in the manner specified by us. Cancellation shall be effective upon completion of all cancellation notification procedures.

2. You will no longer be able to use the Services at the time the cancellation takes effect.

3. If Domestic Premium Plan Members cancel their newspaper subscription, they shall simultaneously complete by themselves the cancellation procedures for the Plan in a manner determined by Yomiuri.

4. If you cancel the Domestic or Overseas Premium Plan, a Domestic or Overseas Free Plan will automatically go into effect. If you do not wish to use the Free Plan, you must notify us of your cancellation of the Free Plan in a manner determined by us.

5. If you cancel the monthly plan for the Overseas Premium Service, you will not be entitled to any refund of fees already received or any other money.

6. If you cancel an annual plan or a 3-year plan of the Overseas Premium Service during the service period, we will refund a portion of the Subscription Fees received in the following manner.

(1) If the cancellation is within 170 days of the date of the Agreement, we shall refund the full amount of the Subscription Fee already received via the credit card company used by you. We shall then re-bill you for the Subscription Fee for the period that the Agreement continues, and you shall pay the billed amount to us by credit card promptly after receiving the bill. In this case, the billing amount shall be the amount obtained by multiplying (a) the unit price of the monthly Subscription Fee (¥1000) determined by Yomiuri by (b) the number of months the Agreement has been in effect (including the month of mid-term cancellation).

(2) If the cancellation occurs 170 days or later from the date of the Agreement, we shall refund to the account of the financial institution designated by you the Subscription Fee for the remaining period after subtracting the period for which the Agreement continued from the original Agreement period (1 year or 3 years).

However, you shall bear the handling fee (¥5,000) for the refund. We will convert the amount of the refund to U.S. dollars or euros under the exchange rate on the day we transfer it.

In this case, the amount of the refund shall be determined by deducting from (a) the Subscription Fee already received, (b) the Subscription Fee for the period during which the Agreement has been in effect (the amount obtained by multiplying the unit price of the monthly Subscription Fee [¥1,000] by the number of months the Agreement has been in effect, including the month of mid-term cancellation), and (c) the handling fee (a-b-c).

However, no refund shall be made if the handling fee exceeds the fee for the remaining period (a-b

Refunds may not be possible in cases in which you reside in an area of conflict, under economic sanctions, etc., or if the financial institution you use does not support money transfers from Japan.

Article 9.  Cancellation of Contract by Yomiuri

1. If any of the following apply, we may at our discretion cancel the contract with you without any prior notice.

(1) In the event of your death.

(2) If you are found not to exist, or to be using another person’s name or a fictitious name.

(3) If there is a false statement in the information declared on the application, or when you cannot be reached through the contact information provided by you.

(4) If you commit any of the acts specified in Article 13, Prohibited Matters.

(5) If you fail to pay all or part of the Subscription Fee within one month of billing, including cases where it becomes clear that the credit card issuer’s approval for payment cannot be obtained.

(6) If you are a member or are involved with any other kind of anti-social forces, (i.e., crime syndicates or , members of a crime syndicate, people for whom 5 years have not passed since he/she ceased to be a member of a crime syndicate, associate members of crime syndicates, companies related to crime syndicates, corporate racketeers, crime syndicates masquerading as social activists, or other similar persons).

(7) If you violate laws or these Terms.

(8) If you petition to commence bankruptcy proceedings or civil rehabilitation proceedings.

(9) If you receive an order or notice of seizure, provisional seizure, or provisional disposition.

(10) If we deem it inappropriate to allow the use of the Services for any other reasonable reason.

(11) When we confirm that a Domestic Premium Plan Member has cancelled their newspaper subscription contract.

2. If we cancel the Agreement in accordance with this Article, you shall pay the Subscription Fee up to and including the month in which we cancel the Agreement.

Article 10.  Prohibition of Transfer

You may not lend, transfer or sell the right to receive the Services to a third party. In addition, you may not consent to the use of the Services by a third party, change the name of the Services, receive payment for allowing someone else to temporarily use the Services, or offer the Services as collateral.

Article 11.  Notification from Yomiuri

1. We will notify you of necessary matters at any time by sending an email to the email address displayed or registered on the Website, or by any other method we deem appropriate.

2. The notice shall become effective at the time we display the contents of the notice on the Website or at the time it reaches the server that manages your e-mail address.

Article 12.  Principle of self-responsibility

1. You are responsible for all actions taken through the use of the Website and the results thereof.

2. You shall be responsible for handling and resolving any inquiries, claims or disputes that arise in relation to the use of the Website or actions associated with the use of the Website, at your own responsibility and expense.

3. If you causes damage to us or a third party as a result of any act performed on the Website, including cases where we or a third party suffers damage due to your failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement, you shall provide compensation for such damage at your own responsibility and expense.

Article 13.  Prohibited Matters

1. You agree that in using the Website, you will:

(1) not infringe or engage in acts that might infringe intellectual property rights such as copyrights and trademarks of Yomiuri, other Members, or third parties.

(2) not infringe or engage in acts that might infringe the property, privacy or portrait rights of other Members or third parties.

(3) not discriminate against or defame other Members or third parties, or engage in actions that damage the reputation or credibility of others.

(4) not violate public order and morals.

(5) not interfere with the operation of the Services by Yomiuri.

(6) not register false information, impersonate others to use the Website, or allow a third party to use the Website.

(7) not allow a third party to use the Services (for Members who have subscribed to an Overseas Premium Plan, a Domestic or Overseas Free Plan).

(8) not allow a third party, except for relatives living with you, to use the Services (for Members who have subscribed to a Domestic Premium Plan).

(9) not violate laws, regulations, or this Agreement, or engage in acts that we deem inappropriate.

2. If you violate any of the prohibitions set forth in this article and we suffer damage, we shall be entitled to demand compensation for the damage caused by you. This also applies to Members whose contracts have been terminated at our initiative.

Article 14.  Dealing with Violations of the Terms

1. If you violate the Terms, or engage in acts that are likely to violate the Tems, or we deem it necessary for any other reason, we may take one or a combination of the following actions, and you shall comply with these actions without objection.

(1) Request that you stop the act that violates or potentially violates the Terms, and that you not repeat the same act.

(2) Request the deletion of any information sent or displayed by you.

(3) Delete all or part of the information sent or displayed by you, or render it unable to be viewed.

(4) Temporarily suspend the use of the Website or cancel the usage contract.

2. The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not impose any obligation on us to take the measures set forth in the same paragraph. In addition, if we take any of the measures set forth in each item of the preceding paragraph, you shall indemnify us for any consequences resulting from such measures.

3. We may take any of the measures in Items 3 and 4 of Section 1 of this Article without prior notice.

4. If your usage contract is cancelled in accordance with Item 4 of Section 1 of this Article, you shall forfeit the benefit of time and shall repay all debts owed to us, including Subscription Fees and other debts incurred at the time, in a lump sum.

Article 15.  Use of External Services

1. We may post advertisements on the Website for us or for advertisers who have asked Yomiuri to post advertisements.

2. The Website may contain links to other websites that are not managed by us.

3. You may use other services through the Website. However, the contract for the use of such other services shall be concluded between you and the external service provider, and we are not responsible for the contents of the contract.

4. You shall recognize that the external service provider is the main provider of the external service, not us, and shall comply with the terms stipulated by the external service provider and instructions from the external service provider.

5. We are not responsible for any damage incurred by you due to the use of external services or your inability to use external services.

6. We are not responsible for any of your personal data that is acquired by third parties through business relationships with third parties, including external service providers, through external services and the handling of such information.

7. The “Principle of self-responsibility,” set forth in Article 12, shall apply mutatis mutandis to your use of external services.

Article 16.  Temporary Interruption of Services

1. We may temporarily suspend the provision of all or part of the Services on the Website without notice to you in any of the following cases.

(1) When we conduct regular or emergency maintenance of our facilities.

(2) When the Services cannot be provided due to fire or power failure.

(3) In any other cases where we deem it necessary to temporarily suspend the Services for operational or technical reasons.

2. We shall not be liable for any damages incurred by you or third parties due to delays or interruptions in the provision of all or part of the Services on this Website caused by any such cases or for any other reason, except as specifically provided in the Terms.

Article 17.  Termination of Service Provision

1. We may stop all or part of the Services on the Website upon prior notice on the Website.

2. We shall be exempted from responsibility for the termination of all or part of the Services on the Website by following the procedures in the preceding paragraph.

3. Upon termination of the Services on the Website, all rights related to your use of the Services will immediately cease to exist, unless we explicitly announce that the situation will be handled differently.

Article 18.  Disclaimer

1. We shall not guarantee the completeness or usefulness of any content and data provided by us or our business partners.

2. We are not responsible for any damages incurred by you due to the use of the Services provided on the Website, including damages caused by problems with third parties, regardless of whether or not you have complied with the Terms.

3. Even if a situation arises where paid services cannot be used due to a decrease in display speed or failure caused by excessive access or other unforeseen factors, this does not constitute a failure by us to provide the paid services, and no refund or cancellation will be made.

4. We do not guarantee that paid services will be available in all usage environments. Prospective Users shall apply for use of paid services after sufficiently confirming their own usage environment in advance. If the paid services cannot be used due to your usage environment, it does not constitute a failure by us to provide the paid services, and no refund or cancellation will be made.

5. If a part of these Terms is declared invalid by law or final judgment, the other provisions shall remain in effect.

Article 19.  Personal Data

1. We shall properly handle personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy posted on the Website. By using the Website, you are deemed to have agreed to the Privacy Policy.

2. You may request the disclosure or correction of your personal data held by us in accordance with the procedures set forth in our < class="color_blue" href="https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/privacy-policy/">Privacy Policy.

3. Even after you cancel the entire agreement, we will store any personal data that is required by law to be stored, such as the billing history of Subscription Fees, and will destroy it sequentially after a certain period of time.

Article 20.  Copyright Policy and Linking Policy

You shall be deemed to have agreed to the Copyright Policy and Linking PolicyLinking Policy posted on the Website when applying for the Agreement.

Article 21.  Inquiries

Inquiries about the Website can be sent to the following e-mail address:


Article 22.  Exclusive jurisdiction

You agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as first instance for all disputes arising out of or related to these Terms between us and you.

Article 23.  Governing Law

These Terms are governed by Japanese law.

Table: Plan details

Plan name Subscription Fee (tax included) Contract period Eligible members Details of services available
Domestic Premium Plan None(¥0) While subscribing to a newspaper*1 Member who lives in Japan and subscribes to a newspaper (Subscription to the Domestic Premium Plan is conditional on subscribing to a newspaper)
  • ●All-you-can-read articles
  • ●Unlimited access to The Japan News Weekly
  • ●Use of English text-to-speech function
  • ●Display of recommended content based on individual member preferences
  • ●Subscription to newsletters with recommended headlines and other articles based on individual member preferences
Overseas Premium Plan (Monthly) ¥1,000 /month For 1 month (contract will be automatically renewed) Members residing overseas
Overseas Premium Plan (Annual) ¥10,000 /year For 1 year (contract will be automatically renewed)
Overseas Premium Plan (3-year plan) ¥20,000/3 years For 3 years (contract will be automatically renewed)
Domestic Free Plan None(¥0) No restrictions (until withdrawal) Members residing in Japan who do not subscribe to newspapers*1 (including those who subscribe but have not yet completed the Domestic Premium Plan procedure)
  • ●Some articles can be viewed
  • ●Display of recommended content based on individual member preferences
  • ●Subscription to newsletters with recommended headlines and other articles based on individual member preferences
Overseas Free Plan None(¥0) No restrictions (until withdrawal) Members residing overseas
“Newspaper” refers to The Japan News published by Yomiuri.

Revised on March 28, 2022