Crown couple attends Okinawa dance performance

Pool photo / The Yomiuri Shimbun
Crown Prince Akishino and Crown Princess Kiko arrive at the Yokohama Noh Theater in Yokohama to watch a traditional Okinawan dance performance commemorating the 50th anniversary of Okinawa Prefecture’s return to Japan.

Crown Prince Akishino and Crown Princess Kiko attended a performance of traditional Okinawan dance at the Yokohama Noh Theater in Yokohama on Sunday.

The event, titled “Otoko no Kumiodori, Onna no Buyo” (Men’s kumiodori dance, women’s buyo dance), commemorated the 50th anniversary of Okinawa Prefecture’s return to Japan.

Among the performers were Fusako Shida and Yukiko Miyagi, who last year became the first Ryukyu dance specialists to be designated as living national treasures. Ryukyu is the name of the kingdom that ruled Okinawa for centuries.

The dancers performed nine separate pieces, including “Shudun,” a classic dance that portrays a woman in love, and “Inimazin,” a dance prayer for a good harvest.

The prince and princess heartily applauded the performers and chatted with them after the performance, reportedly saying they were delighted to witness such fantastic dancing.