Princess Kako visits Tokyo exhibition

Pool photo / The Yomiuri Shimbun
Princess Kako looks at an exhibit at the 69th Japan Traditional Kogei Exhibition at Mitsukoshi department store’s Nihonbashi flagship in Chuo Ward, Tokyo, on Wednesday.

Princess Kako visited an exhibition showcasing kogei traditional Japanese crafts at Mitsukoshi department store’s Nihonbashi flagship in Chuo Ward, Tokyo, on Wednesday.

Princess Kako, the youngest daughter of Crown Prince Akishino and Crown Princess Kiko, is the president of the Japan Kogei Association, a co-organizer of the exhibition.

At the 69th Japan Traditional Kogei Exhibition, the princess viewed exhibits in seven categories, including pottery and textile arts, as well as prize-wining craftwork pieces.

Princess Kako also presented certificates to prizewinners and congratulated them with a smile on her face.

The post of president was previously held by her sister, Mako Komuro, who stepped down from the position following her marriage.

Princess Kako assumed the post in June.